Saturday, November 29, 2014

I smell goooooooooood

Hello everybody!

I'm currently sat in AJ's apartment watching her play Skyrim. It's very relaxing and I am very happy. Between prepping for Thanksgiving and having an early morning (early for me, it wasn't that early) on Black Friday, I've been very tired. So I slept like a rock and have caught up on my sleep enough that I was ready and willing to brave the mall today and get some deals while I could.

First stop was Bath and Body Works. Now, in my last post I posted about some of the candles I bought. Let me say, the Hot Apple Toddy and Frosted Cranberry are exquisite. They smell amazing. I will say that I don't think the Hot Apple Toddy is strong enough to really blast a whole room with the smell but in my small room and condo it smells the place right up. The Fresh Balsam is really strong. It made my whole room smell like trees in about two minutes. So, because I love them so much, I bought another Hot Apple Toddy today. I also bought one called Fresh Fallen Snow. I'm curious how strong it will smell lit because it's not too overwhelming when it's cold.

I also delved into the buy 3 get 3 deal that was going on. I bought some of the holiday scents because I love the holidays and I like to smell nice. I purchased the Candy Apple, Twisted Peppermint, Sugar Plum, and 1000 Wishes (which is a new scent, not so much a holiday one). I'm looking forward to using them and seeing if they actually moisturize as well as they claim that they will.

As I've mentioned before, I am the queen of the itchy Minnesota Winter skin. The bathbombs from Lush have worked extremely well for the days when I have time to take a bath and kind of pamper myself. For those days that I don't have the time to lay in a bath for an hour, I need to find a way to moisturize enough that I don't scratch my skin off. Lately, I've been exfoliating my legs (since they bear the brunt of the itching craze) and using baby oil. It's been working well but sometimes I don't fancy smelling like a baby so I'm hoping these shower gels and lotions will help.

The shower gel So White that I bought works okay as a moisturizing shower gel but the apple scent is gone before I get out of the shower. Sad.

In addition to the numerous good smelling things, I bought a warm fuzzy blanket, a heated blanket, and flannel sheets with little scottie dogs on them. I love them so much. I love fuzzy warm things.

I also bought a new wool peacoat from Macy's and almost barfed when I paid for it but it's beautiful and should last for a long time (it better for what I paid for it).

Let it be known, I have bought one Christmas present. I'm awful.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Hello everybody!

I know it's been about 84 years since I've written a blog post. I've been sitting around considering what I really want to be writing about.  In the past, it's been me mostly ranting and raving about the events happening in my life and, to me at least, it seemed very boring to read. It also made me feel like I was coming across as a very self involved person which, if you know me, is not the case. Right? Right. 

So. Here's what I'm going to do. 

I'm going to make this into a tester blog of sorts for the time being. I've been very into pampering products and playing with makeup and just being comfortable and at ease lately. I'll be posting little blurbs and pictures (we know how I feel about pictures) about some products, items, or food that I'm really loving and probably some that I don't love too much. Hopefully it'll help some people or give ideas about findings some stuff while out and about!

Right. So, first batch of products that I am really enjoying this fall:

I was at the Mall of America the other day for FOUR hours. Four hours. I even have the proof in the form of a blister. While there, I made a stop in Lush. For those who have never been to Lush, it's a handmade cosmetics shop that is all natural and against animal testing. Walking into a Lush shop is like being smacked in the face with ten zillion scents and it can be very overwhelming and headache inducing. Luckily for me, I knew what I was in there for: bath bombs. I have terribly dry skin in the Fall and Winter so I'm going to be taking more bubble baths for the moisturizers. Also, why not? Working retail has put such a strain on my feet and lower back and just sitting in hot, pretty water sounds like bliss. 

I bought this shower gel on kind of an impulse since I've been very happy with my Sensual Amber shower gel from Bath and Body Works but this wasn't priced too bad and it smells SO good. It has a very light apple smell and lathers up very nice. It made my skin very soft and the razor itches I usually get after shaving didn't happen when I used this. A really cool part of Lush is because every product is handmade, the gels have stickers on them telling the buyer who made that particular batch and when. Because it's homemade and fresh, it does have a "best by" date. We'll see if I actually use it all by the date.
Onto the reason I walked into the shop! Bath bombs! As I said, I'm really looking forward to using these and trying some others! I purchased So White (the bath bomb version of the shower gel above) which has a fresh apple smell. It's just a giant white ball but apparently it has a pink interior that turns the water pink! How
Cute little glitter angel!
exciting! I also bought the glittery Snow Angel that has a marzipan scent to it. The only thing that would change about this particular product is the glitter. It gets everywhere. My last purchase at Lush was the adorable little Butterbear. Look at him! He is precious with his little smiling face and pudgy belly! He smells like a warm vanilla night. I'm going to love using him.

Stop bleaching my stuff!
Moving on from my little Lush trip, I've been perusing around Ulta for some new makeup because *gasp* I've started wearing lipstick. I also have a weird problem in the colder months because my face dries out and then becomes excessively oily. Due to this, my face becomes ridden with spots and I hate it. I've started to use a Queen Helene Mud Pack Masque and it is BRILLIANT. It smells really good and is really good for pore shrinkage and absorbing the excess oils. I love it. Spot treatment has been the longest work in progress. I've done everything from ProActive to rubbing alcohol to steaming my face to open pores. What I've started to is mix a  Salicylic Acid cleanser (I used the Neutrogena Redness Soothing) and then putting Clean & Clear spot treatment on. It's been working really well for the most part. The only real big downside is that the spot treatment dries out your skin so it leaves you with a big dry patch that makeup clumps on. Added to that, the benzoyl peroxcide acts like a bleach to any fabric. Many of my towels have big bleach spots on them.

As for my makeup, I didn't take any pictures of anything aside from just a general picture of my mass of makeup. I'm really favoring the Rimmel concealer, foundation, and matte pressed powder. All of it goes on really easy and the powder keeps the layers in place. Brush-wise, I LOVE the RealTechniques brushes. They're so great. I'm also using some Sonia Kashuk brushes that are great for eye shadows and eyeliner. I have a really hard time finding a blush that I really like. Right now I'm just using some NYX mixture of colors. I'd like something with a little more of a dewy look to it but I'm so pale it's hard for me to not look like I've been to clown school. 

I've been having a lot of fun with my eyes lately. I always fill in my eyebrows because I think it makes every part of the face look more defined. I haven't been using any particular shadows, whatever I'm feeling that day is what I use. I have been feeling a little more autumnal so I've been using more golds, browns, and orange tines lately. I use Rimmel eyeliner and mascara. I love my Retro eyes mascara. Rimmel's Kate Moss line has been my go to lipstick lately because it's matte. I also ADORE my Mac lipsticks. They smell nice and are moisturizing and are just great and very much worth the money. 

Just call this Christmas.
Last but not least, my candles. I've never bought my own candles before but I always have wanted my own. So today I went into Ridgedale and popped into Bath and Body Works. They moved the store downstairs and have added a side store called White Barn. Apparently the company that makes B&BW candles just decided that they want their own substore to Bath and Body Works. I highly recommend going there. It smells amazing and there are candles everywhere. I like the more musky smells usually but this time I went with some kind of foody smelling candles. I'm really not a fan of food smells like 'cupcake' or 'maple waffles'. The first one I went with was Spiced Apple Toddy. The description on the bottom reads, " warming blend of apple brandy and spiced plum, infused with mulled cider and tart cranberry." I'd say that description is pretty accurate. The apple smell really comes through (can you tell I like the smell of apples in the Fall?). The next one I had to get because I opened it and I've never smelt something that was the description of Christmas but Fresh Balsm fit the bill. If the description of "outdoor beauty inside with the invigorating scent of crisp eucalyptus, fir needles & cedarwood musk" isn't enough to make you go and give this one a sniff, I don't know what is. My last choice was one called Frosted Cranberry. I'm not normally one for sweet scents but I cannot stop smelling this candle. It's a mix of "white cranberry, juicy peach and raspberry". It's glorious. I want to bathe in it.

So that's it! Lots of stuff but hopefully this wasn't too boring. Obviously these are just my reactions to these things and what works for me may not work for others. Hopefully this will give some of you some options to look for in the stores!

Song of the Moment: Don't- Ed Sheeran

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Well it's been a minute hasn't it?

I've been busy! That adult life just kinda crept up on me and hasn't let go.

I went to Springfield to watch some of Midwest Charity.

I've worked.

And last week I was just getting home from Tanbark! My first show of the year! So let's do a recap on that show:

I put a lot of pressure on myself for that show. I wanted to get qualified to head to Nationals in St. Louis this year in September. So we went into our first class and I psyched myself out. I pushed too hard during the extended trot and we broke. My bad. It was only a few strides but the other horses in that class made no mistakes- it was a great class. I also let Buzz anticipate the canter and get ahead of me and I didn't give him a clear cue and we took the wrong lead. Again, totally my fault. I can admit when I blow a class. Buzz had flawless manners during his halts and backs which, out of everything, was what I was the most worried about. So no ribbon out of 7 in that class, and we didn't deserve a ribbon.

Friday morning was like a total flip. Everything was perfect (aside from me almost keeling over from the heat). Our halts, backs, extensions, and transitions were perfect. I could have been better about sitting up and completing the picture but oh man. You know when you have one of those rides you just feel good about while you're doing it? That was this class. Everything just felt easy. We came in 2nd out of 6 with a 1st place vote! I was ecstatic!

Only downside of that class was that when I turned to go into the line-up Buzz seemed to take a misstep and felt weird leaving the ring. I kinda thought he had just taken a misstep and would walk it off. Well the next day heading into the class he felt okay but I would ask for an extension at the trot and he felt all kinds of off and had no go forward. It was also very humid in the ring and his asthma kicked in so the heaving coughs started up (since he can't have his inhalers at shows). Yet again, his manners were perfect, there was nothing I could do to improve the ride we had.

I realized how hard he was willing to try for me in that class. He was pushing so hard and trying so hard to do what I was asking but he just couldn't do it. There was no bit chewing or ear pinning or any funny business happening. I could ask no more from him. He made me so proud with how hard he tried. In the end, we got 7th out of 7. I was more bummed that he wasn't at 100% than I was with the ribbon. Turns out he strained a muscle somehow. He's been on stall rest and is all healed up again but typical that something would happen at a show.

I did achieve my goal even through all the chaos. We qualified for St. Louis Nationals. I've been saving up since the beginning of the year to make it back there. If I have my way, we'll be going

So happy with that ride!

Self, sit up!

S&B Reserve Champions!!!

Out for a cool down walk!

Extended trot!

Thanks Kris and Jen for the pictures of Buzz and I!

Thursday, May 22, 2014


I don't know if y'all have heard, but I GRADUATED!!!

I am officially an alumni of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with a Bachelor of Arts in English. 

Words can't explain how WONDERFUL it feels to write that down and be able to say it to any person that asks. It's such a relief to have completed all of the requirements that had to be fulfilled in order to graduate. I know I've probably complained about these requirements to some of you before but the two years of a language is the reason I took an extra year. Otra lenguas y yo somos no bueno. 

Let's just talk about why I'm so excited about this and my 3.1 GPA; 

So there's the requirements (aka our Lib eds). That's a whole lotta schooling. 

And then my requirements for my English degree (please, please ignore that C+, it's embarrassing). 

Now please don't think I'm gloating around thinking I'm better than everyone because there are so many people who are far smarter than I. That said, there was a point in my 4th year that I did not think finishing would work out financially and that was scary. Getting out of studying Latin was a brilliant choice but not one I made because of my own reasons. Passing by a hair and then totally flubbing second semester put that language to an end for me and thus added my 5th year of college. 

With that said, I really truly have the best parents in all the world:


I don't even have the words to say what a burden that is off my shoulders and how blessed I am to have the supportive family that I have. 

Now everyone is asking what I'm going to do. 

The Answer: get a full-time job with benefits somewhere, save up money, go to St. Louis, and then London next year. 

That's all I know of thus far. 

But if anyone knows of any places looking to hire let me know! I'm open to a lot of ideas!

So huzzah! 

Bring it on adult world, I have a piece of paper that says I know what I'm doing.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Top Ten Ways To Piss Off Your Barista

Let me start out by saying how much I enjoy my job. I may complain about it to some of you but I really do love it. I love my bosses, some customers are great to interact with, and, surprisingly, I enjoy making the drinks. The store is always so clean and the smell of books and coffee never gets old.

That being said, I have come to realize I do not understand some people. Yeah, people are always telling me "you learn so much in customer service" and "it's like a right of passage". While I understand that whole thing of serving the customer there are some things that make me want to pull my hair out.

So I present to you:  The Top Ten Don'ts of Ordering in a Coffee Establishment (in no particular order)

1. Don't get your panties in a twist because we don't have an almond milk substitute available. If I say we don't, we don't. You saying, "well the Starbucks in San Diego has it," won't make a bit of difference. If you want almond milk, move to California. Otherwise you're stuck with the soy or regular milk.

2. Don't harp on me about the prices. I have no control over that. All I do is ring you up and make your beverage/serve your food. If you don't want to pay the price, go home and make your own coffee.

3. Arguing over who is going to pay is a big no-no. It makes me uncomfortable to just stand there and wait for some form of a payment while trying to hold a smile. Someone just fork over the money and move along.

4. Please, for the love of all that is holy, do NOT mack on your significant other in front of the barista. Or anyone for that matter. It makes everyone involved (minus the person doing the groping) uncomfortable. Just ACK. It's gross, don't do it.

5. Do not, no matter how foul a mood you're in, toss, flip, or flick your method of payment. Hand it to me like I am not some sort of subhuman and I will be far more pleasant to you.

6. Don't be stupid. There is no such thing as a wet cappuccino, that's just a latte. Don't ask me to do a bunch of modifications to your drink after you've already paid. I'm not stupid, I know you're just being too cheap to pay for what you actually wanted.

6b. If you ordered a strawberry banana smoothie and a frappuccino of some kind, don't look at me and ask which is which. It's blatantly obvious and you are not a simpleton.

7. If you are the only person in the cafe and I call out your name, don't come up to me and ask if that's your drink. Yes, yes it is your drink

7b. Conversely, if I did not call out your name, that is NOT your drink so don't take it and just chill out for a second.

8. Don't be double checking on your drink while it's in the making. Especially if I'm not even to your drink yet. If you just ordered, there's a line and your drink does not take precedence. Please don't stand next to the counter going "is that decaf?" "Are you making that extra hot?" "I asked for no foam, did you get that?" "Make sure you add 5 Splendas." I GET IT. Oddly enough, did you see the person write all this down on the cup for me to read? I'VE GOT THIS, BACK OFF.

9. Don't ever just order a "regular size". What is that? I don't even know what that is? This is America so is a regular size a venti? Just pick a size.

9b. Don't get on my case about the size system. I don't need you looking at me and snidely saying "Oh sorry, I mean grande." Bite me.

10. Don't talk on your phone while ordering. Even worse- if you're on the phone getting orders from people elsewhere who have no idea what they want.

BONUS: Me: "Hi! How're you today?"
               Customer: "Grande non-fat no whip extra shot mocha."
               Me: "I'm good, thanks!"

Like I said, I love my job and the friends I've made there. Some of the people are just ridiculous (such as the girl who came in and ordered a white mocha with 5 packets of sugar but wanted non-fat milk and no whipped cream).

Let this be a warning- Be nice to your barista, they can give you decaf espresso.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

So THIS Is What A Quarter-Life Crisis Feels Like?

Let's just open up with something that really freaked me out today:

Excuse me?

Excuse me?

Ya'll are serious about sending me out into the real word? I'm actually going to have to function like an adult? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A MORTGAGE IS. I STILL CAN'T PICK OUT WHICH GRANOLA BARS TO BUY.

While this news is very welcome after five years of school, as I've mentioned before, it's terrifying. I am so excited to be graduating just to be able to say that 'I did it!' and be the success in this regard that I've always wanted to be for myself as well as my family. I'll be a first generation college graduate! As such, adult decisions are having to be made, even now, before graduation.

Discussions were held this weekend about where I'll be living, what jobs I'm going to be looking for, what field I want to go in to, what I should be spending my money on, and so on and so forth. As I am graduating debt free (words cannot express how thankful I am to my parents for this. I'm witnessing the struggle of debt repayment with my friends and can't even fathom what I'd do in their situations seeing as I'm already stressed and I have less to be stressed about) I have the opportunity to do an internship with some place if I should so choose to do so.

How do people do real life? This is so stressful. I would be so much calmer if I knew what the hell I was doing, I do not like the unknown. Can I just jump forward like ten years and pray that I'm living in something other than a cardboard box, gainfully employed, and not be totally unhappy? Can someone just hire me and save me the stress of going through every online posting and freaking out over the fact that I don't know what half of the words are referring to? I thought college was supposed to prepare me for this nonsense? What is even happening?

Since I am already fretting about life, I've had to make some executive decisions about my some of the plans I had for this year. I do believe St. Louis Nationals will be cut for me this year. I'm dying to go but I just don't see how I can actually afford going to a concert there in August and then heading back at the end of September. I'm heartbroken about this decision, adult decisions suck. I've also made the decision to eat out way less and start packing a damn lunch. It's not hard, I'm just that lazy. To combat this laziness, I'm going to be joining a gym. I have no idea what gym because, like I said, I'm trying to save up money.

I'm hoping in eating out less and working out I'll gain some form of calm and snap out of whatever quarter-life crisis I'm having. Saving up some money will also go towards London with Erin next year.

Priorities, I must establish some.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


So there was that splurge of #ASBDreams that was happening all over Facebook. I have achieved dreams that I wasn't even aware that I had but there are still a few that I want to shoot for:

- Ride in the Springfield, Il arena.
-Ride in a Top 10 victory pass in St. Louis with Buzz
-Ride in the green shavings
-Show a park horse
-Catch ride
-Ride in the Royal

I have HIGH ambitions! I've achieved my goals of winning at an A-rated show, won a class unanimously, won my first champion ribbon, do a "fun" class, showing in St. Louis, and showing out of state so that's awesome. It's hard to achieve some of the goals when you don't own a horse and your financially limited but hopefully some of these will come true at some point. As the pictures show, many of these checks to my dream list have been thanks to Colour Me Proud. Buzz is pretty great (understatement) and I'm so ridiculously excited to show him again this year.

First win at FASH (I cried happy tears in the dressing room)

St. Loooooouis! We got a first place vote here and I think my squeal deafened everyone.
First unanimous win with CH Callaway's Crown Jewel

First Saddle & Bridle Classic class. 
First champion ribbon. I was crying. Buzz was chomping.

Tandem bareback- we weren't aware that the canter was a gait we'd be doing.

So basically, horses are awesome. I have no plans to stop anytime soon because this is good stuff. I love this.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

A "TBT" of Sorts

So I was going through old horse show pictures because, for some reason, I'm shooting to knock this show season out of the park. I can't afford to go to many shows so the ones I want to go to are big ones for me.


While I was going through all these pictures, I had a moment where I was hit with such gratitude to my family, especially my Dad, Mom, Griffin, and my Grandma. They're been supporting me in this sport for the past 11 years and have never ever questioned why I do it. We're not a family that's had horses in the past, I'm the first one to get into showing and riding. My Mom was kinda freaked out by horses when I first started. My Dad gets frustrated when he can't figure out what the judges are looking for (don't worry Dad, I still can't figure it out half the time) and he's allergic to hay. My poor brother is allergic to hay and gets very bored with sitting around and waiting so every time he comes to a show he's absolutely miserable.

They don't really understand why I do it other than because I love horses and it makes me happy (and sometimes miserable). That's all they need to know.

We've never been a family that had the money to financially support my love of horses. I've never owned a horse or leased a horse. I've been blessed to show school horses and some of the wonderful clients' horses when the opportunity is offered. I've always worked very hard to be able to take lessons and split the show costs with my parents. The fact that they were willing to spend any money on this sport is just one of the many ways my parents are great. My Mom loves being the "show Mom" and doing my hair and helping me with my make-up. My Dad likes to harass me so I forget to be stressed out (granted, I get really irritable when he does this) and shoves cameras in my face. My brother is my foodie buddy at shows, and he likes to give horses treats and pet them.

They're at every show as long as it's in Minnesota. The times that I've gone out of state, they've always sent my numerous messages wishing me good luck and to call when I finish. Their never ending support means the world to me, as cliche as that sounds. My Mom filmed the screen of her laptop when I went to St. Louis since no one was there to film it in person. My Dad and Griffin like to film me at shows and do a commentary on the happenings. Everyone takes pictures at the shows so I have more than just the mental memories (sometimes I'd prefer it to stay as a mental memory). My Grandma is the supplier of treats and likes to look at horses (especially Buzz) and ask "What was that? What were you doing? Why did you do that?".

This is a very long winded way of me saying: my family is great and I love them lots.

Here, have some video and picture evidence:

Because who WOULDN'T want to remember this train wreck? Thanks Dad!

My Bro took this picture. Dang, he's good. 
My Mom wins best 'Show Mom'.

Griff's favorite part of the show.

Where else are you going to get the true nitty gritty behind the scenes of a horse show? Donuts? It's pandemonium.

My family wins.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Tomorrow is my last fist day of the semester.

One. More. Semester.

For some reason, when I started college, I never thought I'd finish. In the back of my mind, I always thought that we'd run out of money or something would happen to deter me from finishing school. That, and some of the classes were hard.

I wish I was one of those success stories that finished in the allotted four years that former president Bob Bruininks gave us; I wanted to be someone who knew what they were doing and finished with a good GPA.


It's taken me five years due to a total lack of skill in the language of Latin. Shooting for an archeology degree did horrors to my poor GPA which is really unfortunate. There were also so many requirements. So. Many. I'm just happy that some of the classes I took killed two birds with one stone. Honestly, I was the worst the liberal arts requirements and really good at my major. Classes like Anthropology and Political Science just didn't hold my interest.

I've been so beyond words lucky to have a family who's been willing to stand behind me in all my college decisions and let me figure all this stuff out. I have a  father who works so hard for me to be able to go to school and not have to worry about my student loans with the same pressure that some others do, a mom that I can call when I'm feeling stressed or low and need someone to comfort me, and a grandma who has let me make a mess in her condo for the past five years (and only threatened to kick me out a few times!).

I never did the "typical" college experience. I never lived in a dorm, never lived on campus, never had to worry about making money while going to class, didn't join any groups, never went to a party (literally, I don't think I went to one), and I'm perfectly happy with this. I've never been the child that my parents had to worry about and this has continued throughout college.

 I've loved my college experience- minus it taking five years.

All this being said, I'm totally terrified of graduating. What the heck am I going to do? I won't have college as an excuse anymore. I'll be a certified adult and have to make adult decisions. I've liked being in my bubble of college safety so the prospect of starting on the rest of my life is terrifying. What if I can't make enough money to feed myself? Where am I going to live? I still have breakouts for God's sake, when did I turn into an adult? What am I doing?!

All in all, I'm stressed yet relieved that it's almost over.

I just want to be a success story with a $40,000+ piece of paper.

Look at all those green fulfilled requirements!

I'll accept a 3.1 for a graduating GPA.


Song of the Moment: Through the Dark- One Direction

(Look at my little blondie rock out. Let me love you, Niall)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


 Though all my many years of listening to music (all 23 of them), I've developed some extremely diverse tastes. 

So what, right?

Many peoples' tastes diversify as they age but I've just taken a look at my iPod and realized that it is eclectic and because music says so much about a person, I thought I'd share some of my ~phases* with you.Mind you, the songs posted are the ones I first listened to when I got into the music and then I delved deeper and, for most of the genres, became obsessed. I have a very obsessed personality.

Soundtracks- I have numerous soundtracks all over the place.

Il Divo- they were my first big obsession. I LOVE them and their music and have seen them in concert a few times now.

Il Divo, Barbra Streisand- I think their concert together was my first concert ever. GO BIG OR GO HOME. Bonus is them singing Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera. 

I am a fan of the whole musical thing. I got to see Wicked when it was in town a few years ago and DIED.

My Chemical Romance- I was years behind the curve when it came to listening to music like this because...I have no idea. But I love them and got to see them 3 times before they broke up.

Panic! At the Disco- I was very late to this party but I really liked their stuff. Their new album is kinda meh to me but whatever. I've seen them once live.

Adam Lambert- I LOVED his debut album (second not so much) but I was obsessed with him. I saw him 3 times in a short period of time as well.

The Beatles- No explanation needed. No I have never seen them live.

Fall Out Boy- Of course I got into these guys when they were on break. I went and saw Patrick Stump when he was a solo artist but it wasn't as good at the whole group together. I'm still shooting to see these guys live.

One Direction- Don't even look at me, don't even judge me. The obsession and feelings are so real. Working out the plans to see these lads in August! I want to smother them in cuddles. 

Jason Derulo- Talk Dirty to Me. I don't even know why I like this song (yes I do but a only a few of you know why)

Olly Murs- Heart Skips a Beat. I like to dance like a short ape every now and then when I'm cleaning.

Because who doesn't need dubstep violin in their lives?

So that's that. I guess it's nothing too weird or out there but it makes me smile.

*I say phase but they aren't really phases. I still listen to all the music I have depending on my moods which is why I love having a wide range of music.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"It's 2014"

So it's been another year and this blog, regrettably, totally sucks.

I'm not quite sure what I want to do with it so I'm a bit put out with it. I was going to use it to write stuff but that's taken a backseat to school and work for the time being.

I'm also nowhere near as interesting as I like to think I am. How awful.

That said, I've made a few resolutions for the year.

1. The most common one- get fit. Everyone is always saying this one, I know, but I don't even want it so that I can get skinny or anything (although I'll consider that a bonus). I just want to get healthier and kick my metabolism into high gear. If anyone reading this sees me going for something absolutely dastardly for my diet, knock it from my hands and hand me an apple.

2. Do something actually interesting. I am such a boring person and I have no stories to tell- I need to actually attempt to put myself out there and do something with myself to stop living under my fort of blankets.

3. Write more and expand my vocabulary. I've always been told that I'm a fairly adept writer but I don't really feel like I am therefore this blog will be used to write about stupid things that have happened, venting, or other such nonsense just to keep writing and keep the brain muscles pumped up.

4. FREAKING GRADUATE. Good God. Five years is quite enough.

5. Be more myself. No more of this acting the way I feel people want me to act. I, amazingly, seem to make more friends when I'm being myself than acting like whatever I feel is normal for others. Added to that- dressing how I like and not going off the fashion of others. Other people dress weird as hell.

So there's five well thought out resolutions that I'm shooting for this year. I accept any and all help with accomplishing these goals.
