Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"It's 2014"

So it's been another year and this blog, regrettably, totally sucks.

I'm not quite sure what I want to do with it so I'm a bit put out with it. I was going to use it to write stuff but that's taken a backseat to school and work for the time being.

I'm also nowhere near as interesting as I like to think I am. How awful.

That said, I've made a few resolutions for the year.

1. The most common one- get fit. Everyone is always saying this one, I know, but I don't even want it so that I can get skinny or anything (although I'll consider that a bonus). I just want to get healthier and kick my metabolism into high gear. If anyone reading this sees me going for something absolutely dastardly for my diet, knock it from my hands and hand me an apple.

2. Do something actually interesting. I am such a boring person and I have no stories to tell- I need to actually attempt to put myself out there and do something with myself to stop living under my fort of blankets.

3. Write more and expand my vocabulary. I've always been told that I'm a fairly adept writer but I don't really feel like I am therefore this blog will be used to write about stupid things that have happened, venting, or other such nonsense just to keep writing and keep the brain muscles pumped up.

4. FREAKING GRADUATE. Good God. Five years is quite enough.

5. Be more myself. No more of this acting the way I feel people want me to act. I, amazingly, seem to make more friends when I'm being myself than acting like whatever I feel is normal for others. Added to that- dressing how I like and not going off the fashion of others. Other people dress weird as hell.

So there's five well thought out resolutions that I'm shooting for this year. I accept any and all help with accomplishing these goals.


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