Monday, January 20, 2014


Tomorrow is my last fist day of the semester.

One. More. Semester.

For some reason, when I started college, I never thought I'd finish. In the back of my mind, I always thought that we'd run out of money or something would happen to deter me from finishing school. That, and some of the classes were hard.

I wish I was one of those success stories that finished in the allotted four years that former president Bob Bruininks gave us; I wanted to be someone who knew what they were doing and finished with a good GPA.


It's taken me five years due to a total lack of skill in the language of Latin. Shooting for an archeology degree did horrors to my poor GPA which is really unfortunate. There were also so many requirements. So. Many. I'm just happy that some of the classes I took killed two birds with one stone. Honestly, I was the worst the liberal arts requirements and really good at my major. Classes like Anthropology and Political Science just didn't hold my interest.

I've been so beyond words lucky to have a family who's been willing to stand behind me in all my college decisions and let me figure all this stuff out. I have a  father who works so hard for me to be able to go to school and not have to worry about my student loans with the same pressure that some others do, a mom that I can call when I'm feeling stressed or low and need someone to comfort me, and a grandma who has let me make a mess in her condo for the past five years (and only threatened to kick me out a few times!).

I never did the "typical" college experience. I never lived in a dorm, never lived on campus, never had to worry about making money while going to class, didn't join any groups, never went to a party (literally, I don't think I went to one), and I'm perfectly happy with this. I've never been the child that my parents had to worry about and this has continued throughout college.

 I've loved my college experience- minus it taking five years.

All this being said, I'm totally terrified of graduating. What the heck am I going to do? I won't have college as an excuse anymore. I'll be a certified adult and have to make adult decisions. I've liked being in my bubble of college safety so the prospect of starting on the rest of my life is terrifying. What if I can't make enough money to feed myself? Where am I going to live? I still have breakouts for God's sake, when did I turn into an adult? What am I doing?!

All in all, I'm stressed yet relieved that it's almost over.

I just want to be a success story with a $40,000+ piece of paper.

Look at all those green fulfilled requirements!

I'll accept a 3.1 for a graduating GPA.


Song of the Moment: Through the Dark- One Direction

(Look at my little blondie rock out. Let me love you, Niall)

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