Wednesday, November 28, 2012



It's been a few weeks since I've actually written anything for the fun of writing. School is getting into the final rush of papers and tests that get squeezed in at the end of the semester so my days feel like they're going by way too fast for me to actually get anything done.

This is me sitting here listening to A*Teens, working on my resume, and waiting for American Horror Story to come on. Job hunting is not fun.

What has everyone been up to? I know Thanksgiving was last week and I ate my body weight in delicious foods. I did a bit of Black Friday shopping in Burnsville with Erin, Sarah, Maddie, and Kayla which was awesome! I didn't get much because, as my luck goes, the things I wanted we not on sale.

We also celebrated the retirement of Kye and Zeus at the barn two weeks ago. I got them all glamorized and they were turned loose in the arena during their party. I cried. I forget how much of a bond I have developed with every horse in that barn until they are leaving. I'm so happy they're going to great homes to live out the rest of their lives but I'm going to miss them so much. They're all my babies and I hate when any of them leave.

I discovered on Saturday that if you have a few drinks, bowling becomes hilarious because I am terrible at it. Not just bad, terrible. There was also a group of teenies at the lane next to us requesting One Direction and Bieber music...they sucked too.

Know what else is fun? When you watch a scary movie with a group of girls. One girl (I won't embarrass her by saying who) was so terrified and we all thought it'd be fun to shut all the lights out and hide in the laundry room while she was in the bathroom. We also thought it'd be fun to run our nails down the wall that linked to the bathroom. All of a sudden we hear noise and she comes flying out of the bathroom, flicking all of the light switches, and crying. She had managed to fall off the toilet and pee on the floor. I have never experienced the ROTFL but I actually fell to the floor laughing.

What else...

I was compared to McKayla Maroney last week? That was cool. She's pretty and she does a wicked "I'm not impressed face". I'm also pretty sure the people who said I looked like her were hammered.

This blog makes my life seem so boring, it's sad. I obviously need to get out more and do things instead of being a hermit.

Currently Playing: Firefly-A*Teens
(I figure I can share my musical tastes when I write these things because they're kind of all over the place)

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