Monday, November 12, 2012

We're All Pyromaniacs.

I feel like I should do a blog post! I'm not really sure what to say but I'm trying really hard to procrastinate on my homework.

I went out to Erin's this weekend since I couldn't go home because my family had gone to our timeshare in Brainerd. Guys, she was SICK. I was just sitting there praying that I didn't catch whatever she had (which ended up being a group of things including strep). I'm thinking I'm out of the danger zone for that now which is good because I can't miss any school for being sick since, you know, I would need a doctor's note to miss class. I feel like that rule is the most ridiculous rule ever. Why would I go to the doctor for a thing like a cold or 24-hour flu? I know what it is. I don't want to pay a co-pay just for them to tell me to sleep it off.

Ergh. College woes.

One thing that we did that I really enjoyed was the 'burning of the fears'. Erin had us sit for about 5 minutes and write down everything that made us nervous before going into the show ring. I didn't realize so many things made me so nervous until I wrote them all down. Some of them were dumb things that I know I have control over but, nonetheless, make me nervous.

We then proceeded to dunk them in gasoline and light them on fire.

It was epic and symbolic in a deep way.

What I found funny (and kind of complementary) was that one of the girls said that my list probably consisted of something like being afraid of the dark.

Har har har my list was 10 strong.

But it made me very happy (and probably made me blush) that I can put on a front of total confidence when I show. I try really hard to keep it together even when I'm so nervous that I get ill before my class.

So for anyone who thinks that I don't get nervous. I do. Oddly enough, I'm the most nervous with Buzz and he's the one I've done the best with so...Living up to my own expectations is HARD.

Burning the 2012 show fears away!

I think I've done enough reflecting and procrastinating now!

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