Monday, November 5, 2012

All Fired Up

I'm getting so lazy with my school work. I didn't make it out to the Oklunn clinic this past weekend, much to my dismay, because I had to write a paper on the benefits of Google Books.


What is my life? That is the most mundane topic to ever be pulled out of the topic hat.

On the plus side, I went home and got to see my dog which is always a good time because in case you guys didn't know, I freaking love my dog. I love all dogs in general but I love mine in particular because she's MINE and she loves me more than anyone else.

I also did laundry which is also a plus I guess. I went out to Centre Pointe after not being out there for SO LONG (too long, way too long) and got to snuggle with my boys. I've missed them so much. I got a nice love bite from Buzz and gave him some Nerds candy which he thoroughly enjoyed. I then went out and tried to visit with Soldier but butthead Knight kept shoving him away. What a punk. Solider did get close enough to swipe his Nerds out of my hand and then run away. He's a knucklehead but I love him.

Handsome horse and me with a doopy face.
In other news, did you guys know that there's this election tomorrow? Who knew. In all actuality, I'm so freaking nervous for tomorrow. I'll just toss out there that I'm voting for Obama. Love me or hate me, I don't really care. I have my own opinions on everything and I don't need to justify them to anyone. I'm usually more of a moderate person with liberal beliefs but this election is so unbelievably black and white (BAHAHAHA I'm hilarious) in the viewpoints of both candidates.

Everyone is so full of hate for the other party and I'm pretty sure it's worse this year than it's ever been. It makes me very very nervous because I feel like everyone is just waiting to lose their mind over something.

I don't know. Maybe that's just me.

I'll be voting tomorrow. I'll also be chugging the hard cider because I'm at the point that I'm so nervous that I swear I'm having heart palpitations.

And now, some political quotes (because, again, this is my blog and I can do as I please).
 “The enemy isn’t conservatism. The enemy isn’t liberalism. The enemy is bullshit.
Lars-Erik Nelson, political columnist.    

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