Saturday, December 1, 2012

Freakin Weekend

I revamped my blog! It's now ~stylish. Not really but it's far better than the garish green that it was.

So I've been home for two and half days and it's been great. I have missed being home! My dog was especially pleased to see me!

It's been a pretty chill weekend. I had a few epiphanies that were kind of hard to deal with but my friends are so great and helped me understand myself better. I blew out my knee again playing with my dog so hopefully that heals up faster than it did last time. It doesn't hurt anywhere near as bad so I'm not all too worried about it. It certainly didn't stop me from lifting our Christmas tree into our truck.

Guys, I am strong.

 Like the Hulk.

Nowhere near strong enough to deal with bales of hay, though. Nope. I refuse to sign up for that stuff.


We got our Christmas tree! Yay! Our house smells amazing and fresh and I freaking love Christmas! It's already decked out in lights and is all sparkly! I also insisted that we buy some hand-pressed cider today from the Deer Lake Orchard today. Never in my life have I had cider like this stuff. It smells like caramel apples and tastes like pie. I plan on picking some more up and hoarding it. Or maybe sharing if you're special enough. We'll see.

I finished my registration process for Spring semester. I wish I could say that it's going to be my last semester but I know it's not. Boo.

On the plus side, I'm signed up for Victorian Literature, Scandinavian Folklore, History of the Crusades, Intermediate Fiction Writing, and my senior seminar on John Keats. My brain is already exploding in a panic over how much work all of this is going to be.


I also was asked to be the photographer for the recital that will be happening at the barn. I'm pretty pumped about that! I haven't had the time to take many pictures lately so I'm looking forward to getting back behind the camera. Tomorrow I head out to CP to visit the boys and spoil them up. Yay horses! They always make me feel better.

Currently Listening To: Titaniumby David Guetta ft Sia

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