Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Trials and Tribulations of Being Passengers on Joe Pesci's bus

Today was another first and not in the good way. I'm not sure why this week is being such a pain in my ass but it is succeeding.

As yesterday, my qualms are with the bus. This time, it's with my Joe Pesci driver. I'm just going to call him Joe Pesci from now on because it fits and I just like saying his name. Picture in your mind an old (I mean like 70s), over-weight, white-haired, hat wearing, sweater vest clad man.

So I'm on the phone with my Grandma because I always tell her when I get on the bus so she knows I'm on my way home. She decided to tell me that our refrigerator is STILL not fixed because the repair guy that came today didn't bring the part with him. Awesome sauce. We were discussing what to make for dinner and she said she had cheese in a cooler that we have been storing all of our dairy products in (don't worry, we change the ice out daily).

I asked her what kind of cheese and all of a sudden I hear...

"How about you talk about your cheese when you get off the bus. Get off your phone," over the speaker.

Excuse me?


I have been on the phone for exactly one minute and I'm not even talking loud. I'm whispering for Christ's  sake. The bus also had 3 other people on it, all of which had their headphones in.

Hey jackwipe, how about you use a little common decency when asking someone to do something. Had he politely asked, I would have been fine with the request. The fact that he snarked at me over the speaker with a piece of my conversation and, mind you, I was sitting in the front seat so he could have easily told me to get off my phone at any given point just by saying it. No, he had to make my conversation seem utterly ridiculous (which come on, I was talking about what I was going to make for dinner) and say it over the speaker so everyone on the bus could hear.

What. A. Jackass.

I hate you Joe Pesci driver.

If my eyes had laser beams, you'd totally be dead.

On the plus side, I did have the door opened for me 5 times today. And hey, it's only Tuesday!

For those who don't understand my Joe Pesci references, go watch a Snickers ad.

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