Monday, October 22, 2012

A Critique on Society: AKA BE NICE TO PEOPLE

Yet again, I just have something to say about the decency of people in this world.

I try really really hard to be an optimistic person. Anyone who knows me knows that I usually have a smile for someone and am willing to chat. I'm a generally happy person and excited about life because life is good! It's good to be alive! Even in the morning (much to Erin's dismay)! I've even been called spastic and I choose to think this is said with a deep affection.


I'm so sick of dealing with rude people. They are the blight on my life and I'm at the point that I think my jaw muscle is developing a six pack from clenching.

I've been walking around in a knee brace from spraining my knee and I figured that maybe people would be nice to the gimp walking around.

Apparently I'm the blight in the life of people who are in a hurry!

I'm going to get off the bus today and I get knocked into by this big burly dude who decided that getting off the bus out of seat order was a good idea. Hey jackwagon, there is a way that we do things out here in the world. Did your kindergarten teacher never teach you how to wait your turn? Settle down. You'll be off the bus in 15 seconds.

But whatever.

I figured he had somewhere to be and knocking into me was an accident. I ended up following him into the parking ramp. Mind you, I've got a brace (that is visible on the outside of my jeans) on that is really hard for me to walk in and I am limping. I end up behind him  and, maybe because I'm a girl and I've been raised to see it as correct behavior, I was expecting him to hold the door. Not all butler style letting me go first or anything, just holding it open behind him so I could grab it.

Not the case.

How about we just drop the door on little miss hobble-along? That sounds like a fun game. It'll be fun to watch her battle the door. Maybe she'll lose and end up with her backpack suck.


Or maybe this is exactly what happened.

Did the guy even turn around and notice? Nope. No he did not. Jaw. Clenching. I curse you with fire, sir. FIRE. Fire from my hateful words.

This is some high quality sitcom action right here. I've been told I should make video blogs because, really, how on earth does this even happen to me? What did I ever do to anyone that makes this my life?

Life Advice #1: Don't be the jackwad on the bus because maybe some hateful girl will write a blog post about it.

Mondays are the worst.

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