Monday, October 1, 2012

Meet me in Saint Louis!

Well, I'm home from St. Louis!

Oh my God. I can't even believe I went! But let me give you a recount of what happened because it was an eventful week to say the least.

The Sunday before leaving for the show I gave Buzz a mayonnaise bath because he looked like a fluffy toy! Body clipping a black horse makes them look weird!
Mayo bath! Much to his dismay!

The ride down there felt like it took forever and a day because it took TWO HOURS to get going off 494 and 35W. SERIOUSLY? What is even wrong with those roads? They're like a pit of slow. Once we got out of there it was pretty smooth sailing other than the need for potty breaks and fuel ups. Jennifer and I were in one truck and we discovered our deep set love of Selena Gomez and Maroon 5. Party time in the Ford!
On the way!

We finally arrived at the show grounds at some point (I don't remember because at this point everything was blurring together). We got set up and the horses were comfortable so we left and got dinner!

Front of the set up!
First look at the arena!

Tuesday came and went. I worked Buzz in a bit rig and, holy crap, he was showing off! I've never seen him flaunt himself before but he had his tail arced up and was prancing around me. I was so happy that he was so happy and feeling good! I've been so worried about his eye (in case you didn't know, he scratched it and now it's all wonky looking and he can't see very well out of it) so to see him in such high spirits made me feel good and confident that he was going to be awesome!
Happy horse!
Wednesday brought with it the butterflies that were shooting bazookas off in my stomach and my 22nd birthday. I don't think I've ever been so nervous for a class in my entire life. My nerves for my class totally overshadowed my birthday. Good thing I had Jennifer (who had woken me up by bashing my in the head with a pillow yelling HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!) to focus on in the morning or I might have run and hid in the trailer for a  few hours. Truman was SUCH a good boy for her. Little dude did everything perfectly and Jennifer should be very proud of how far she's come with him because anyone that knows him knows about his start. No funny business was had!

By the time the PM session rolled around and I got on Buzz I was almost positive I was going to hurl right on his pretty neck. Seventeen horses was a lot in my mind (even though I've been in bigger with Soldier) so I just wanted to place. Not only was Buzz the best he's ever been in a class, we came in 6th out of 17! I'm not going to lie, my eyes welled up a bit. I was so proud and happy. Later that night we all looked at the cards and saw that we had even received a first place vote from one of the judges. HOLY CRAP. I'm surprised my squeal of joy didn't deafen anyone!
All set and ready to go!
Someone loved his boo Peeps!
Judges cards. We were number 213

Thursday was my Saddle & Bridle 2013 qualifier. I've been nervous about jumping just because of his vision in his eye but, yet again, I should know better than to worry about anything that concerns Buzz and his abilities. We had a moment in warm-up where he deer jumped the jump and knocked it down but that was it. He had the spunk that he had the day before and went into the class like the show horse he is. Buzz took such good care of me and went over the jump with no hesitation. We got 4th out of 11 in that class! Yet again, I was thrilled beyond belief! His treat for being so great was a thing of Himalayan rock salt that he enjoyed!
Mmmmm rock salt!
I don't think I could have had a better horse to have this experience with. He may act like an idiot some times but he's got the heart and spunk when it counts. Thank you Grace for letting me have this time with him! I love him so much and can't wait to see what next season brings us!!!
Jump Buzz jump!

So handsome!!!!!

I love you Buzzard!

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