Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's Almost Halloween!

October always seems like such a busy month! I've had papers due, I went to a horse show, and I feel like I'm always running around even when I sitting.

Some of you may have seen that I went to Octoberfest and showed Ultra's Dash Of Color again for Oklunn Equestrain. I love that mare, I would buy her if I could (she is for sale! So if interested in a kick ass little Morgan, contact Erin Lunn)! If you were there, you were witness to my 9 point emergency dismount in the class. I was told it would have been a 10 had a hung onto the horse. She didn't do anything naughty but I learned the hard way that doing a circle on the wrong lead really confuses a horse who's been working on patterns.WHOOPS! Good thing she hates being alone because she ran right up to Kathy Laridaen and stopped! Poor mare was freaked out! We still managed to get 5th out of 8! I think the judge really liked Dash!

I love riding Dash because she teaches me something new every time I ride her. She's teaching me the basics again because she is still learning and I forget that she's only 6 and still new to all these experiences. She handled everything in stride, even when people in the stands were doing things that were not good horse show behavior.


Such a pretty girl!

She makes me smile!

Such a happy girl!

It was fun but the days were LONG

So many ribbons!

Now I'm sitting at home craving to watch a bunch of scary movies. American Horror Story is TERRIFYING! If you haven't seen it before, I highly recommend it. It is so well made and the story is frightening. I would like to go and see the movie Sinister and Paranormal Activity.

 I love Halloween!

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