Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Would You Like Some Cheese to Go With That Whine?

First off, to anyone I have interacted with in the past few days, I am sorry. I'm off my medication because I'm an idiot and had it filled at the wrong CVS and I am CRANKY. As in, someone looks at me and I either blush or end up with a clenched jaw and balled fists. Everything has a weird haze about it, I'm physically sick, and my focus is so shot that I'm struggling to write my papers. Me. Struggling to write papers. I never struggle to write anything.

So I am very vexed.

On the plus side, I will have my meds tomorrow and won't be so crazy feeling by the weekend.

Don't do drugs, kids.

Today was my day from Hell. I had a 10 minute presentation, 2 papers to write, and a midterm. While it may seem like I'm complaining (because I am) please realize that when I sat my attention is shot, I mean it is SHOT. Boooooooooooooooo.

Speaking of Boos.

Halloween is tomorrow! American Horror Story is on tomorrow! Chipotle has $2 burritos tomorrow!

Tomorrow will be better. Mostly because...well, candy.

My infatuation with the Pandora country station is becoming ridiculous. Seriously, it has to stop.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Trials and Tribulations of Being Passengers on Joe Pesci's bus

Today was another first and not in the good way. I'm not sure why this week is being such a pain in my ass but it is succeeding.

As yesterday, my qualms are with the bus. This time, it's with my Joe Pesci driver. I'm just going to call him Joe Pesci from now on because it fits and I just like saying his name. Picture in your mind an old (I mean like 70s), over-weight, white-haired, hat wearing, sweater vest clad man.

So I'm on the phone with my Grandma because I always tell her when I get on the bus so she knows I'm on my way home. She decided to tell me that our refrigerator is STILL not fixed because the repair guy that came today didn't bring the part with him. Awesome sauce. We were discussing what to make for dinner and she said she had cheese in a cooler that we have been storing all of our dairy products in (don't worry, we change the ice out daily).

I asked her what kind of cheese and all of a sudden I hear...

"How about you talk about your cheese when you get off the bus. Get off your phone," over the speaker.

Excuse me?


I have been on the phone for exactly one minute and I'm not even talking loud. I'm whispering for Christ's  sake. The bus also had 3 other people on it, all of which had their headphones in.

Hey jackwipe, how about you use a little common decency when asking someone to do something. Had he politely asked, I would have been fine with the request. The fact that he snarked at me over the speaker with a piece of my conversation and, mind you, I was sitting in the front seat so he could have easily told me to get off my phone at any given point just by saying it. No, he had to make my conversation seem utterly ridiculous (which come on, I was talking about what I was going to make for dinner) and say it over the speaker so everyone on the bus could hear.

What. A. Jackass.

I hate you Joe Pesci driver.

If my eyes had laser beams, you'd totally be dead.

On the plus side, I did have the door opened for me 5 times today. And hey, it's only Tuesday!

For those who don't understand my Joe Pesci references, go watch a Snickers ad.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Critique on Society: AKA BE NICE TO PEOPLE

Yet again, I just have something to say about the decency of people in this world.

I try really really hard to be an optimistic person. Anyone who knows me knows that I usually have a smile for someone and am willing to chat. I'm a generally happy person and excited about life because life is good! It's good to be alive! Even in the morning (much to Erin's dismay)! I've even been called spastic and I choose to think this is said with a deep affection.


I'm so sick of dealing with rude people. They are the blight on my life and I'm at the point that I think my jaw muscle is developing a six pack from clenching.

I've been walking around in a knee brace from spraining my knee and I figured that maybe people would be nice to the gimp walking around.

Apparently I'm the blight in the life of people who are in a hurry!

I'm going to get off the bus today and I get knocked into by this big burly dude who decided that getting off the bus out of seat order was a good idea. Hey jackwagon, there is a way that we do things out here in the world. Did your kindergarten teacher never teach you how to wait your turn? Settle down. You'll be off the bus in 15 seconds.

But whatever.

I figured he had somewhere to be and knocking into me was an accident. I ended up following him into the parking ramp. Mind you, I've got a brace (that is visible on the outside of my jeans) on that is really hard for me to walk in and I am limping. I end up behind him  and, maybe because I'm a girl and I've been raised to see it as correct behavior, I was expecting him to hold the door. Not all butler style letting me go first or anything, just holding it open behind him so I could grab it.

Not the case.

How about we just drop the door on little miss hobble-along? That sounds like a fun game. It'll be fun to watch her battle the door. Maybe she'll lose and end up with her backpack suck.


Or maybe this is exactly what happened.

Did the guy even turn around and notice? Nope. No he did not. Jaw. Clenching. I curse you with fire, sir. FIRE. Fire from my hateful words.

This is some high quality sitcom action right here. I've been told I should make video blogs because, really, how on earth does this even happen to me? What did I ever do to anyone that makes this my life?

Life Advice #1: Don't be the jackwad on the bus because maybe some hateful girl will write a blog post about it.

Mondays are the worst.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's Almost Halloween!

October always seems like such a busy month! I've had papers due, I went to a horse show, and I feel like I'm always running around even when I sitting.

Some of you may have seen that I went to Octoberfest and showed Ultra's Dash Of Color again for Oklunn Equestrain. I love that mare, I would buy her if I could (she is for sale! So if interested in a kick ass little Morgan, contact Erin Lunn)! If you were there, you were witness to my 9 point emergency dismount in the class. I was told it would have been a 10 had a hung onto the horse. She didn't do anything naughty but I learned the hard way that doing a circle on the wrong lead really confuses a horse who's been working on patterns.WHOOPS! Good thing she hates being alone because she ran right up to Kathy Laridaen and stopped! Poor mare was freaked out! We still managed to get 5th out of 8! I think the judge really liked Dash!

I love riding Dash because she teaches me something new every time I ride her. She's teaching me the basics again because she is still learning and I forget that she's only 6 and still new to all these experiences. She handled everything in stride, even when people in the stands were doing things that were not good horse show behavior.


Such a pretty girl!

She makes me smile!

Such a happy girl!

It was fun but the days were LONG

So many ribbons!

Now I'm sitting at home craving to watch a bunch of scary movies. American Horror Story is TERRIFYING! If you haven't seen it before, I highly recommend it. It is so well made and the story is frightening. I would like to go and see the movie Sinister and Paranormal Activity.

 I love Halloween!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Go Home and Eat Some Fiber

I'm just going to complain for a second about public transportation.

It's a great thing. As someone who doesn't have her license, the buses are a great way to get me to where I need to be on a fairly good time schedule.


Some of the drivers of said buses are ridiculous to a crazy degree. They can be rude or polite, slow or fast, and any other extreme that you could think of.

Today for example. I was on my express bus coming home from the U and this driver was just laying on the horn. These weren't mild taps, folks. These were holding down the horn and making rage gestures at the people he thought were blocking his path. I realize that buses are special and can get away with some traffic things that cars can't but holy crap. We were stuck in traffic and no one could go anywhere and he was just honking this horn CONSTANTLY.

Then we got to a stop and someone pulled the cord and the driver just neglected to stop. He breezed right through it. Someone stood up and said that someone had pulled the cord for the stop and he yelled at the passenger like it was their fault he didn't hear the cord go off! Dude, who pissed in your oatmeal this morning? Settle down. And quit slamming on the breaks whilst going through a turn. Good thing I'm used to abrupt stops (thanks Buzz!) because otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd have hit my head on the person sitting in front of me.

Who knows. Maybe he just had an angry Joe Pesci in him and needed a Snickers.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Meet me in Saint Louis!

Well, I'm home from St. Louis!

Oh my God. I can't even believe I went! But let me give you a recount of what happened because it was an eventful week to say the least.

The Sunday before leaving for the show I gave Buzz a mayonnaise bath because he looked like a fluffy toy! Body clipping a black horse makes them look weird!
Mayo bath! Much to his dismay!

The ride down there felt like it took forever and a day because it took TWO HOURS to get going off 494 and 35W. SERIOUSLY? What is even wrong with those roads? They're like a pit of slow. Once we got out of there it was pretty smooth sailing other than the need for potty breaks and fuel ups. Jennifer and I were in one truck and we discovered our deep set love of Selena Gomez and Maroon 5. Party time in the Ford!
On the way!

We finally arrived at the show grounds at some point (I don't remember because at this point everything was blurring together). We got set up and the horses were comfortable so we left and got dinner!

Front of the set up!
First look at the arena!

Tuesday came and went. I worked Buzz in a bit rig and, holy crap, he was showing off! I've never seen him flaunt himself before but he had his tail arced up and was prancing around me. I was so happy that he was so happy and feeling good! I've been so worried about his eye (in case you didn't know, he scratched it and now it's all wonky looking and he can't see very well out of it) so to see him in such high spirits made me feel good and confident that he was going to be awesome!
Happy horse!
Wednesday brought with it the butterflies that were shooting bazookas off in my stomach and my 22nd birthday. I don't think I've ever been so nervous for a class in my entire life. My nerves for my class totally overshadowed my birthday. Good thing I had Jennifer (who had woken me up by bashing my in the head with a pillow yelling HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!) to focus on in the morning or I might have run and hid in the trailer for a  few hours. Truman was SUCH a good boy for her. Little dude did everything perfectly and Jennifer should be very proud of how far she's come with him because anyone that knows him knows about his start. No funny business was had!

By the time the PM session rolled around and I got on Buzz I was almost positive I was going to hurl right on his pretty neck. Seventeen horses was a lot in my mind (even though I've been in bigger with Soldier) so I just wanted to place. Not only was Buzz the best he's ever been in a class, we came in 6th out of 17! I'm not going to lie, my eyes welled up a bit. I was so proud and happy. Later that night we all looked at the cards and saw that we had even received a first place vote from one of the judges. HOLY CRAP. I'm surprised my squeal of joy didn't deafen anyone!
All set and ready to go!
Someone loved his boo Peeps!
Judges cards. We were number 213

Thursday was my Saddle & Bridle 2013 qualifier. I've been nervous about jumping just because of his vision in his eye but, yet again, I should know better than to worry about anything that concerns Buzz and his abilities. We had a moment in warm-up where he deer jumped the jump and knocked it down but that was it. He had the spunk that he had the day before and went into the class like the show horse he is. Buzz took such good care of me and went over the jump with no hesitation. We got 4th out of 11 in that class! Yet again, I was thrilled beyond belief! His treat for being so great was a thing of Himalayan rock salt that he enjoyed!
Mmmmm rock salt!
I don't think I could have had a better horse to have this experience with. He may act like an idiot some times but he's got the heart and spunk when it counts. Thank you Grace for letting me have this time with him! I love him so much and can't wait to see what next season brings us!!!
Jump Buzz jump!

So handsome!!!!!

I love you Buzzard!