Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesdays Are the Mondays of the Middle of the Week

My theory of Wednesdays being the Mondays of the middle of the week has been proven yet again. I'm pretty sure I was just in one of those "look at me and die" moods, but all the same. I hate Wednesdays.

Let's start out with the fact that I bought a coffee today that had triple the caffeine in it. Har har, they must totally be lying I thought to myself. No. No they were not. I was sitting in class and everything was exciting. Even the most depressing things ever were exciting. Crusades? WOAH THAT'S AWESOME IN A TOTALLY SHOCKING DISGUSTING WAY. Pillaging? HOLY CRAP THAT'S AMAZING. Knights killing innocent people? HOLY CRAP THAT'S TERRIBLE! Everything was loud and in capital letters in my head. All of this joy for $1.50. I will be purchasing that again.

So then I go to my next class and I've got the shakes and everything. If it tells you anything, I was the person at the bus stop with an open coat swinging my arms around and looking at the sky. It was embarrassing but I couldn't help it. Professor asks in my next class why this dude Endymion sounds like he hates all happy things. He's just woken up out of a drug induced dream and everything that was once beautiful is now ugly. My response to his very deep, thoughtful question? HEY PROFESSOR, HE SOUNDS LIKE HE HAS A WICKED HANGOVER.




Did that actually just come out of my mouth?

The sad part? I was being serious. My logic being that he was just drugged. Professor agreed with me in that yes, he probably does have a hangover but he was more looking for the answer of depression.


Well my answer was far more interesting.

So then I get to my Victorian Literature class where we are reading Oliver Twist. This girl in this class has this nasty habit of hmmming and hawing when she agrees with the teacher. So she asked a question and the professor gave like a 5 minute explanation. So the whole time she's explaining her answer this girl is sitting there making all of these agreeing noises and I'm just sitting there staring at her going OH MY GOD BE QUIET.  STOP MAKING NOISE! Then this girl on my other side whipped out a loaf of bread from her backpack. WTF? Why do you have a loaf of bread in your backpack? WHAT IS HAPPENING?

I couldn't handle today.

In other news, it's almost show season. Fall Out Boy is touring. Dash won an end of the year award.


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