Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blergh in the Blog

Dear friend,

I have finally found Charles Dickens book that I enjoy! It's only the most obvious choice in the world: Oliver Twist. I love it. I've always loved the movie renditions so the book was the obvious next step. Aside from my discovery that I don't totally loathe Charles Dickens, school is super boring right now. My brain is in over drive trying to piece everything together and remember when everything is due.

This week at school is also a total drag because of Valentine's Day. I wish I had the ability to be one of those girls that are like "yeah singledom! Go girl power! I am a successful independent woman! Woo!" Alas, I am not. I hate Valentine's Day because it makes me feel uber shitty about myself no matter what anyone says. Granted, I have friends that more than make-up for this but still...

I went over to Erin's again this past weekend (BIG shocker, I know) since the NCMA banquet was Saturday and Dash won Reserve Champion in Open Hunter Pleasure. I was so proud! Princess Dashel worked very hard this season. Now that it's the off season, coming up to show season, I asked Erin to give me a hunt equitation lesson. Ouch. Ouch ouch ouch. Even my abs hurt. I've become very complacent in my riding and I need to fix that before show season if I want any chance at doing well.

I also proceeded to get back to Erin's house and fall down the stairs. I don't know how it happened or why but I swear I did major damage to my tailbone. So what do I do? I ride two horses on Monday! Oh man. That killed but I never turn down a ride. NEVER!

Today I slipped and fell into a puddle and was stuck with wet jeans all day. That was so great. Good thing I have a sense of humor about my own clumsiness.

This is the most uninteresting post ever in the history of blog posts since I don't actually put what's happening in my life out into the public sphere. I'm pretty shameless but not that much. I'm not as interesting as some seem to think I am. Although, I do hope to meet a lot of my Facebook friends at shows this year!

I'll blog something more interesting sometime this week. I'm contemplating putting some of my fiction writing works up on here but I'm very self-conscious about those so we'll see.

For those of you who want to see an excellent made-for-TV series, here's BBC's Oliver Twist (Tom Hardy as Bill Sykes...oh yes).

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