Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's Time to Begin, Isn't It?

Dear friend, 

I'm going to try writing this blog more in the style of one of my favorite books, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. More like a journal entry than whatever I was doing before. Hopefully no one reads this and thinks that I'm a total freak for that but if they do, oh well, I'm not trying to be.

I'm back in school! Oh joyous rapture, I can't contain myself. Before anyone asks, no I'm not graduating on time. It's a long explanation that I'm not in the mood to write about tonight. My classes so far seem okay. As always, my fiction writing class is at the top of my list for a favorite because I love writing. I may not be good at it but I like it and hope to get better at it. I've always been told that I'm a good writer so hopefully this class will help me develop that skill more. My Scandinavian Folklore class is cool too. Trolls, magic, and princesses. Everything I remember loving when I was little. We even get to put on a play of our own fairy tale for a midterm. Those classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Mondays and Wednesdays (I have Fridays off again this semester) have my History of the Crusades class. I was thinking maybe it would be boring but the professor is a wacky dude who runs around the class room flailing his hands around and getting excited about decapitations. Hey, as long as he keeps it interesting I'll tolerate anything. Then I have my Keats seminar. That class is going to be the bane of my existence, I can already tell. I'm not a poetry person. I never have been. By the end of the semester I'll have to write a 13-17 page paper on him and some of his work. Fingers crossed. Then I have my Victorian Literature class. That class sounds about as dry the desert. The books all sound interesting but my hatred of Dickens is already causing me a problem because the professor loves him and assigned two of his books. I'm going to be miserable when those come up.

Aside from my classes, I haven't really done much this week. I heard a cop's phone go off and it played "Call Me Maybe" so that gave me a laugh. I missed my bus the first day, had to do three transfers the next day but I can at least claim to be comfortable on buses now. Usually. My inner hermit still hates being out on buses around people I don't know. People who aren't anxious introverts don't even understand, a lot of people think I make up my social anxiety issues. I'm not. It can be kind of debilitating.

Anyways, I had a latte today as my treat for making it through the week. It may also have been to stop myself from falling asleep in class. I read Perks of Being a Wallflower (hence the trying of a new writing style). Words can't explain how much I love that book because it was kind of me in high school. Granted, I certainly didn't have the same issues as Charlie but it's easy to relate to for me.


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