Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Little Bit O' Ramblin

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before but I hate and loathe finals week.

I had one test in American Literature that consisted mostly of Moby Dick nonsense (oh man, that book was terrible), a 6-8 page paper in American Literature comparing Anne Bradstreet to Phillis Wheatley, and a 6 page paper on the changes in the public sphere of reading with the lack of attention span and Google books.

Next week, 2 more papers due. One on the social repurcussions of a show like American Idol and another on the concept of racism throughout history based on the book Kindred.

Oh my God. My brain can't handle it.

I've been living off of caffeine for about a week now and that's not healthy at all.


I went to see The Hobbit at the midnight premiere.

HOLY CRAP. If I had the energy to keysmash, I would.I don't care what anyone says, that movie was so freaking great that I started crying during the opening title sequence with glee. Yes I am that big of a nerd, what of it? Don't judge me. I could write a whole blog about my feelings for The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, but I won't bore everyone with those thoughts.

It was so freaking great. SO SO great. I stayed up until 5 in the morning and slept until 10 am. Then I went over to my friend Lauren's (HA, we have the same name) apartment to chill and work on some papers which is where I am currently residing. We have plans to make chocolate covered pretzels, candied pecans, and chocolate covered Oreos. It's going to be awesome.

I also came on here to comment on how creepy Christmas commercials can be. I'm sitting here watching American Gangster and that stupid Folgers ad comes on with the brother coming home from West Africa. He shows up at the door and is all excited for the coffee (because apparently they don't have coffee in West Africa?). The sister gets a present from him and she takes the bow off of it and pins it on him and claims that he's her present. Umm. Okay, I get that this is supposed to be all cute and heart warming but it makes me feel really uncomfortable. Like why are they looking at each other like that? Stop that! It's creepy and...just...ish. And why are the parents like hiding in the shadows? Didn't he just arrive? Shouldn't this be like one of those big reunion deals? Why would the best part of waking up be coffee when your son just came home (unless they have a caffeine addiction problem). I don't even care if people think I'm weird for thinking this because I know it's a thing because I GOOGLED IT.

I also find the new Target commercials to be AWFUL. The singing dude and girl are the most annoying. Not that Target Lady wasn't annoying but these guys are really annoying. Ugh. Holiday advertisements are the worst.

So now we're getting ready to go make delicious things. I have the recital to photograph tomorrow along with some other single shoots so that should be fun.

Currently playing: The Misty Mountains-The Hobbit OST (WHY IS THIS SUCH AMAZING MUSIC? WHY? I HAVE SO MANY EMOTIONS.)

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