Friday, January 11, 2013

What I've Done Over Break: Nothing!


I've not been neglecting my blog, I swear. I went without my computer for about a week and half (don't ask me how I survived that, there was withdrawal symptoms and everything) and I've just been...busy.

Okay, to be perfectly honest, I forgot I even had a blog. I like to use this as a way to procrastinate on my homework but I'm on break I am lacking in the homework department so...yeah.

BUT I am here! I remembered! I even remembered my password which is in and of itself an impressive feat.

Not much has actually happened for me over break as is par the course. I'm very much a homebody who doesn't like to go out and do things. Call me an introvert (as every psychoanalysis test has told me), I like being at home under blankets with some tea and a book or something of the sort. If that makes me lazy, so be it.

I visited Erin for a week and a half. I'm still mind boggled that we didn't murder each other but that may have to do with the fact that we were both zonked out with killer colds and couldn't seem to stay up past 9 pm. We had such a great time, even being sick. Great conversations, I learn a lot every time I'm there. I love learning training techniques and observing the progress of horses. Maybe I'll write a book about my experiences in the Saddlebred world one day. Who knows?

I also went and saw Les Mis. I knew that it was going to be a sad movie but I was pretty blown away. I'd never seen a play/movie version of it before so this was a first experience. The music was phenomenal. So, naturally, I got the soundtrack. It's great to listen to after seeing the movie when everything makes sense. Although some of the great songs from the movie aren't on it (see, Do You Hear the People Sing) and I am PISSED about it. But I love it, and I would gleefully see it again.

I also saw The Hobbit again. That would be the second and third time and no one is allowed to judge me. I've loved Tolkien since I was about 10 and have read the books and they are my comfort movie/book/soundtrack of choice. I love them and they make me feel a lot of feelings for fictional people. Also, there are DWARVES. They sing and it is adorable. Seriously. I could write probably 10 pages on why this story is the best story. The soundtrack for the movie is also a keeper (and what I am currently listening to because I also write things listening to LOTR/Hobbit music, don't ask why).

I got what I wanted for Christmas which was a pair of cowgirl boots, Carhartt jacket, sparkle belt (thanks Erin, Maddie, and Sarah!!!), a mass of giftcards, and some other odds and ends that pleased me to no end.

Show season is just around the corner too and I'm, for some reason, more excited than I have been in the past. Thus far I am planning on Tune-Up, FASH, a -fest show, and MN Futurity. I have a good feeling about this year. I hope to see Soldier at the -fest shows! He'll make someone a great mount and I pray someone has a good season with him. He deserved to go to more shows than I could take him to. 

Aside from all of this I really have nothing interesting to say and what I've said isn't all that interesting anyways! I've started rereading Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller and I forgot how much I enjoy his writings. Almost everything he says can be taken as a quote of brilliance. I'm sure a bunch of teenagers use them for their blogs without knowing where they came from because they're those kinds of quotes, very Nietzsche or Emerson like. Yes, I am a literature snob when it comes to things I actually enjoy. Judge as you will.

And I leave you with a dwarf song because if I want a dwarf song on my blog, I shall damn well have a dwarf song.

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