Monday, June 10, 2013

*Dusts Off Blog*

Well this blog has certainly had time to become dust covered.

The last few weeks of last semester were the craziest thing I have ever endured. Having a horse show at the same time as finals week is not good. I had a crazy amount of papers due and I was literally too tired to write them.

Granted, I still managed an A, A- (in my seminar no less! I kicked that paper's 17-page ASS), B+, and two Ss. YEAH BUDDY!

So I had a week off and then I jumped into Spanish 1001. It's a 5 week course and is SUPER intense. I feel like I did at the end of last semester all of the time. I take a nap almost every day. The teacher basically only speaks in Spanish and we're totally immersed in the language.

Yeah. Boo hoo. Poor me. Really it's not that bad. I'm very very privileged to be able to go and take summer classes and be able to finish my degree without having to transfer out of the U of M for money purposes. I may complain about my parents but I am very blessed to have them taking care of me.

Change of subject- The hell is up with this weather?

This blows. Hardcore.

All I want is a week of nice weather. Not like sweltering hot or anything just nice.

Oh but wait...This is Minnesota. Nothing ever goes right with the weather here.

On the plus side, I'm going on vacation to Springfield to watch Midwest Charity on Wednesday.


That is going to be a long car ride but Jennifer and I always managed to make it fun with weird pit stops and chatting.

I am SO excited!!!

I'll try to blog stuff while we're there if I remember!

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