Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Post Midwest Charity

I am home safe and sound and back to the daily grind of school.

I know I wrote that I would like to do updates from the hotel while we were in Springfield. Unfortunately our hotel had NO internet signal. Literally, I couldn't hook up to the internet on my laptop to do my homework, my phone had no 3G signal, and our phones wouldn't connect to the internet. It was like being in a black hole of despair.

On the plus side, Jennifer and I avoid killing each other which always seems to be a miracle to both of us. We successfully made it there and back in the car without getting lost (going through Iowa to get there and through Madison to get home). Music was a good companion as was the never ending supply of gummies. We were witness to some weird stuff but that seems to be the norm for us.

The show itself was AMAZING. Words cannot describe the caliber of horses that were there. I was awe struck by some of them. It was interesting to see who the judges picked to win classes (a lot of the time I didn't agree) but I guess it's a whole different game there. I loved getting there early (as much as I may have complained about it) to watch the trainers work the horses. There are so many different methods that go into making a horse do it's job and it was fascinating. Of course I just wanted to go home and ride every horse. I saw some stuff that could apply to Buzz and some other stuff that made me wish I had a big park horse to ride. Maybe one day I will! Now I am desperate to go to a show.

I also got to meet some new people and talk to some people that I have admired for a long time.The 12 year old in me was kicking her feet in glee over meeting the people that I have been in awe over for so long.

All in all, it was an amazing trip. Seriously. I advise anyone who wants to see a cool show to go to Midwest.

And now I'm home trying to purge my system of all the crap I ate (I'm looking at you Steak n' Shake) with a fruit and spinach smoothie. My body is adsorbing nutrients like a sponge. I've also been trying to catch up on all of the sleep I've missed. So life as normal.

On the plus side, I downloaded a bunch of songs with a wolf theme because I love wolves and I introduced Jennifer to the Thrift Shop song.

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