Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How Wednesdays Have Forsaken Me

I don't know what it is about Wednesdays but I hate them. Completely and utter loathe them. Maybe because tomorrow is my Friday, maybe because my bad luck days are always Wednesdays, or maybe they just plain suck rocks.

Let me explain.

So I had an exam this morning and that was all good and dandy. I actually managed to get into a groove while writing and managed to get out 10 pages of semi coherent writing on all the topics I wanted to cover. I even had time before class to study and get my triple caffeine cappuccino. So cool, day was going good until I looked in the mirror.

Holy crap.

I looked like I had been on a bender and put through the ringer. My eye makeup had totally faded, the bags under my eyes were standing out stark (and I mean they were freaky obvious), and I was freaking pale looking (I know I'm pale but where did my blush go?!).

I looked like a zombie.

Or a college student.

Either or really.

So whatever, guess I'll have to deal with walking around looking like a corpse for today but that was okay because I was done with one of my exams and my exam tomorrow was finished, just waiting until class to be performed.

So I wander over to my Keats class. This is class that makes me feel like a total jackass because there are like 3 of us that talk in it. I'm not even exaggerating. There's like 10 of us in there (it's my senior seminar in case you don't have my schedule memorized, which, if you don't, shame on you.) and only a few of us are actually brave enough to answer questions about poetry. I just sit there and spew out bullshit answers that sound intelligent and manage to provoke the professor into discussion. Well I'm getting really sick of being one of the few people that talk because I feel like everyone is looking at me like "what a show off" blah blah blah. SPEAK UP PEOPLE. I hate awkward silences. I hate when a professor is standing up in front of the class waiting for an answer. I hate wasting my time just sitting there. So guess what.

I answer the freaking questions and ask appropriate questions.

It's not hard.

But apparently for some it is. One of the few other kids in the class that frequently speaks up likes to hear himself talk. I've never heard someone articulate a question in such medieval language so slowly. He's all like, "well I am of the belief that, as opposed to his earlier works that we have read such as so and so, this ode lacks the paradoxical language that Keats is known for frequently using," and yada yada yada. Seriously dude? I hear his voice and instantly feel my eyes start to roll. So he pulled this Ode to Indolence missing a paradoxical twist view point.

So of course I had to raise my hand.

Actually, the whole poem itself is paradox because it's A POEM ABOUT HATING WRITING POETRY. You are a doucheknocker that just wants to sound impressive and you have wrong opinions.

He is also obsessed with the idea that Keats was on drugs while he wrote 3/4 of his poems...which he was not FYI.

So I was already in a mood from lack of sleep and knowing I looked dead but this kid just kinda pushed me that little bit further into having a bad day.

Then I got stuck walking behind a group of 4 girls that felt that need to walk 4 wide. They also had the inability to walk and talk at the same time so they were MEANDERING. I could not pass them, I was stuck walking behind them for a good 5 minutes and was about ready to throw myself in the snow and die of suffocation.

All this led up the culmination of there being an evacuation in the science building that was next door to the building my Victorian Literature class was in. The fire department guys would not let us in Ackerman to get to our classroom so we were all stuck standing outside for 20 minutes. I got cold and crankier.

They let us in the building at 4 (our class was supposed to start at 4) and then we got an email from our professor saying that if the alarm was still going at 4:30 that we wouldn't have class. Um, we're in the classroom? Where are you Mrs. Professor? WHAT THE STINK. She showed up at 4:30. We all sat in the room playing on our phones and yelling random things at people who walked by the door because we're all 5 year olds at heart. I also found some string cheese that I forgot I had packed for lunch.

The cake of my day was the kid that decided to argue that Sherlock Holmes was really a decent human being with emotions and was really a people person.



Dude. Don't even get into anything Sherlock Holmes related with me. It's basically my politics. I could literally feel my jaw clenching. I wanted to do that dramatic turn around and glare at the kid (in my head, I did and it was epic). This is the kid who is also a self proclaimed Sherlockian. YOU SIR, ARE WRONG IN THE FACE AND HAVE WRONG OPINIONS. It's not even me having my own opinions, his thoughts aren't even backed by the text! Where is he pulling these ideas from?! What the hell is happening today?

It was like a nightmare.

So that was my day. It was full of me walking around like a zombie and basically responding like one too.  The only good part of the day was finding string cheese.

Freaking Wednesdays, man. I hate them.

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