Friday, October 25, 2013

Ugh, humans.

Oh my goodness.


I can't even with humanity this week.


I realize that the holidays are quickly approaching and people are starting to get stressed and all that bunk but even so, everyone needs to settle down.

Also, please don't misinterpret my ranting. I LOVE my job. I adore the people I work with and I am happy to serve people coffee and whatnot. It's just those few special people that really rub my nerves the wrong way.

Let me just tell you guys about some of the customer encounters I have had lately:

To the lady who wanted to know the exact number of calories in a green tea frappuccino- bite me. I have no idea what the calorie count is but it you're watching your weight or something, a cafe is not the place to be doing that.

To the  mother who geeked out at me for fear of the cupcake getting a dent in the icing because "you know, my son won't eat a cupcake that has anything wrong with it". Are you high? Is your child seriously that high maintenance that you've made it so he thinks it's okay to refuse a cupcake that is anything other than perfect? Seriously?? If any kid of mine did that I'd take the damn cupcake and eat it and feel no pity for the brat.

To ANYONE who seems to think it's okay to fling/toss/flick any form of payment at me, I would love to kick you in the shin. I have never been so disrespected in my life for anyone to think they can throw things in my direction.

Get off your phone while ordering. 

To the old dude who went off on me for the arm chairs being moved out of the cafe area, I hate you. Your threat to not come back because the chairs have been moved is something you should really hold yourself to. And do not approach the counter already listing off your order before I have even greeted you. That's damn rude.

To the couple that had the most intense order I've ever done (One tall raspberry mocha frap with a shot of decaf, made with 2%, and light on the ice but still as thick and a venti chai latte with 10 pumps of chai, no water, a shot, and 30 degrees hotter)- Ugh.

There is no such thing as a WET or NO FOAM cappuccino. That is a latte.

No we do not have cakepops, stop asking.  Also, we don't take Starbucks giftcards, so stop throwing a tizzy when I say I can't accept them. I DON'T MAKE THE RULES.

Don't get snippy with me because you're running late. That is NOT my fault, nor is it my problem. You didn't have to stop and get coffee. I can't make machines go any faster so don't stand there and tap your foot or drum your nails at me.


People, it is COFFEE. You will NOT die. You could use some common courtesy, I promise it doesn't hurt. It also will make my day about ten times better and I may even tell you to have a nice day without mumbling obscenities when you walk away.

Again. I love my job and about 95% of the customers are great but seriously. These few.

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