Friday, July 5, 2013

She Wolf

So yesterday was Independence Day. Happy belated 4th to everyone! How's the hangover? Sunburn? Any firework damage? No? Good news!

I know I ended up on the bad end of some sun rays while fishing but I'll take it. The sun felt so wonderful, couple it with the breeze that had the smell of BBQ on it- the day was spectacular.

Downside- the mosquitoes were so bad that I had issues letting my dog out to go to the bathroom. There had to be at least 100 of them sitting on our backdoor looking to get inside.

Maybe they just really wanted to pick my dog up and take her way.


There were fireworks and I'm blessed to have a dog that basically sleeps through everything so she didn't give a damn about the big booms happening outside. I, on the other hand, had an issue with them because I was trying to watch Batman. 

I've been oddly discontent with stuff lately and I have no idea why. I'm getting an A- in my Spanish class, getting to hang out with friends, ride horses, and chill in general but I feel like something is missing and I have no idea what it is.

Maybe I'm stressing that college is going to be over in the Spring and I have no idea what I'm doing. I feel like I've kind of missed out on so many college experiences that people always talk about. The drinking, hook-ups, experimenting, and other such things but at the same time, that stuff is not me. It never has been. I lack the ability to comprehend why anyone would do those things but at the same time I wish I wanted to do it because it almost seems like a rite of passage that I'll never get to experience. All I really want from life right now is to meet a nice dude that I can just chill with. I love my ladies but it's not the same.

That was me going off on a tangent about my angst as a 22 year old college student.

On the plus side, I'm going to see The Heat this week and have a lady date with Jena on Tuesday. Today I'm watching my brother play The Last of Us and totally tweaking at the zombie people. I will probably watch The Hobbit later just because I can and I am procrastinating on all of the exams I have next week.

Here have a song that I enjoy:

Bonus song because I just really love any song dealing with anything wolfy:

Wolves you guys, WOLVES.

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