Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Pardon me while I stand on my soapbox for a moment. 

People, if you are in anyway ordering something from someone, please do not make that person feel subhuman by ignoring them by never looking up from your phone. 

I have had countless interactions with people that may as well not count as interactions. On a daily basis, I have customers come up and start to order their drink and then pull out their phone mid-transaction. Why do people do that? You cannot just look at me and say, “I’ll have a coffee.” I have numerous questions I have to ask because of your vagueness; “What size? Do you need room for cream? Are you a member? Do you want anything else with that?” Is your text so important?

I can never just assume anything because if I do, it’s usually wrong. If you order a mocha and wander off to some other section and don’t specify that you do not want whipped cream on there, it’s going to get whipped cream by default. I’ve had various customers pick up their drink and stare at it and ask “is there whipped cream on here? I didn’t want whip” or “I needed room for cream” for their coffee, or “I wanted this kids temp,” and, my favorite, “I wanted this decaf.” 

Are you effing with me? 

Is it so hard to just give me a minute of your time to just make sure that I’m going to give you what you want? I want to give you what you want so you’ll leave. You want your specific drink because you’re paying for it, I understand that but I can’t help you if you won’t help me to understand what you want. 

In addition to making my job more difficult, it disappoints me. 

I see so many parents out with their children running errands or just coming in for lunch and it makes me so sad when I see the children ignored in favor of a phone. 

I’ve had parents come up to order while on their phones and they ignore their child during the whole transaction. I’ve had children run off and cause a mess because the parent wasn’t paying attention because they were busy talking or texting. My favorite is when kids tell their parent to pay attention to what I am asking. 

I understand, some of you are busy. Others, I can tell you’re talking to your BFF on the phone for a half hour while your kid sits and waits for you to finish. I doubt these parents even know what they’re doing. Or maybe they do. Regardless, your child is only a child for so long.

I will thank these people for something, they’ve made me realize how wonderful my parents have been my whole life. They’ve never made me feel second to something as trite as a phone call. If we went out to lunch or dinner, there was a ‘no phones at the table’ rule. I’d never questioned or really thought about it, I just did. Now, as I’m older and not home to see my family as much as I’d like, I really cherish those moments when it was just my mom and I out shopping or being out with my dad at a restaurant he wanted me to try. My childhood did not have the technology that today’s generation has and for that I am very grateful because I would hate to end up like some the people I serve almost daily. 

Faith in humanity...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

London Calling...

So I've posted about it on Facebook but I'm going to post it here too:

I'm going to London.

As in London, England.

As in the United Kingdom.

Oh my God.

Well, I'm not going alone. A.J. and I will be having this adventure as a dynamic duo since there's NO way I'd be brave enough to go on my own. 

Let me give you some background information; I've wanted to go to England since before I can remember. I know it's really big cliche to claim to feel like you belong elsewhere when you've never been there but something about England has always had this glowing appeal to me. In my mind, even though I know it is absolutely preposterous, everything would be okay. How could I ever be bored in a city with so much of everything? So much history, a ton of entertainment, and an incomparable amount of food. I just feel like I'd be very happy there.
So I'm going for a few weeks.

Mind you, a few of those days will be spent in one of the other greats- Ireland.

I mean, it's just a hop, skip, and a jump, right? If you're going to spend the money, better make it a good trip.

I've heard stories about how there's no greener country and the country girl in me is going to bask in just getting out of the cities and seeing some hills and the sea. I'm going to lay in a field and make a grass angel and just breathe. I'm really excited to explore around Dublin and just immerse myself in the culture for the days that we're there. We're also heading up to Belfast to see some of where Game of Thrones was filmed and...drum roll...the Titanic museum.

We already have an potential itinerary that includes many of the main hotspots in both countries including a trip to Harry Potter Studio in Watford. I'm giddy to buy some souvenirs from there (especially the Fizzing Wizzbees).

I'M JUST SO EXCITED. No exaggeration, it's keeping me up at night.

The tickets to and from have been purchased so it's a for real thing that will be happening for 17 days in October. 

I'm also absolutely frantic about having enough money for this excursion across the world. I still don't have a full time job or heath insurance or my own place to live so...that's hella stressful and probably one of the reason I'm really struggling to sleep at night.

(If you can't tell, I'm running on like no sleep. I just nap very frequently)

Everything will work out, right? Right.

Now I just need to get on getting a passport...