Thursday, May 22, 2014


I don't know if y'all have heard, but I GRADUATED!!!

I am officially an alumni of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with a Bachelor of Arts in English. 

Words can't explain how WONDERFUL it feels to write that down and be able to say it to any person that asks. It's such a relief to have completed all of the requirements that had to be fulfilled in order to graduate. I know I've probably complained about these requirements to some of you before but the two years of a language is the reason I took an extra year. Otra lenguas y yo somos no bueno. 

Let's just talk about why I'm so excited about this and my 3.1 GPA; 

So there's the requirements (aka our Lib eds). That's a whole lotta schooling. 

And then my requirements for my English degree (please, please ignore that C+, it's embarrassing). 

Now please don't think I'm gloating around thinking I'm better than everyone because there are so many people who are far smarter than I. That said, there was a point in my 4th year that I did not think finishing would work out financially and that was scary. Getting out of studying Latin was a brilliant choice but not one I made because of my own reasons. Passing by a hair and then totally flubbing second semester put that language to an end for me and thus added my 5th year of college. 

With that said, I really truly have the best parents in all the world:


I don't even have the words to say what a burden that is off my shoulders and how blessed I am to have the supportive family that I have. 

Now everyone is asking what I'm going to do. 

The Answer: get a full-time job with benefits somewhere, save up money, go to St. Louis, and then London next year. 

That's all I know of thus far. 

But if anyone knows of any places looking to hire let me know! I'm open to a lot of ideas!

So huzzah! 

Bring it on adult world, I have a piece of paper that says I know what I'm doing.