Wednesday, February 26, 2014


So there was that splurge of #ASBDreams that was happening all over Facebook. I have achieved dreams that I wasn't even aware that I had but there are still a few that I want to shoot for:

- Ride in the Springfield, Il arena.
-Ride in a Top 10 victory pass in St. Louis with Buzz
-Ride in the green shavings
-Show a park horse
-Catch ride
-Ride in the Royal

I have HIGH ambitions! I've achieved my goals of winning at an A-rated show, won a class unanimously, won my first champion ribbon, do a "fun" class, showing in St. Louis, and showing out of state so that's awesome. It's hard to achieve some of the goals when you don't own a horse and your financially limited but hopefully some of these will come true at some point. As the pictures show, many of these checks to my dream list have been thanks to Colour Me Proud. Buzz is pretty great (understatement) and I'm so ridiculously excited to show him again this year.

First win at FASH (I cried happy tears in the dressing room)

St. Loooooouis! We got a first place vote here and I think my squeal deafened everyone.
First unanimous win with CH Callaway's Crown Jewel

First Saddle & Bridle Classic class. 
First champion ribbon. I was crying. Buzz was chomping.

Tandem bareback- we weren't aware that the canter was a gait we'd be doing.

So basically, horses are awesome. I have no plans to stop anytime soon because this is good stuff. I love this.