Friday, September 21, 2012

I may be a little bit excited. Maybe.

If you are friends with me on Facebook you've probably more than likely seen my frantic posts about St. Louis that contain too many exclamation points. Well we're finally leaving on Monday and I'm actually, surprisingly, calm. I had my final ride before my class today and I don't think Buzz has never ever been that good for a lesson.

He knows something is up.

This could be a good thing!

The thing about Buzz that some people have come to realize, and other have not, is that he has his own ideas about what he should be doing and unlike many of the horses I've ridden, he doesn't change his mind. He can't be coxed or forced into acting like a good boy. When he's good, it's a gift from God and will probably be the best ride ever. When he decides he's had enough...he lets you know by being a dink in every possible way.Never naughty, he just pulls stupid things that make you rage inside while you know he's laughing at you in his little horsie head.

Not making excuses, JUST SAYIN.

 So I'm just trying to keep very chill and keep him happy. He's been so good for the past 2 weeks so I've got my fingers crossed that he'll be in a good mood all next week! He's going in, potentially, four classes so I'm hoping we can keep his energy up and going. Someone may be getting a little extra grain at dinner time!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed! My parents won't be coming with because we couldn't afford the hotel so I'm super bummed about that but hopefully they'll be able to watch online.

Here's Buzz and I in Iowa last year!

ANYWAYS, point being of this whole long-winded post is that I'm EXCITED!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"So, this is the Hobbit"

I was sitting in class today when I got a text from my Dad (yes I'm THAT person on my phone during class, so what). The text consisted of multiple !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and something about a new Hobbit trailer. Now, if you know my Father and I, we have a massive infatuation with Tolkien and his books so the Hobbit is a big deal.

I just watched the trailer (because my phone decided to be a piece of crap and not let me see it) and I'M SO EXCITED. Oh God. There are hobbits, dwarves, trolls, and swords, and the Ring!!! AH! OH MY GOD. I can't wait until December.


I'm freaking out.

Is it December yet? No? Oh.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ermahgerd! I Made A Blog!

So...I've decided to create a blog?Maybe I'm just trying to make myself seem far more interesting than I really am but whatevs. I can write whatever I please and everyone can judge me for it! Sounds like a good deal to me. I'm being totally facetious and if you didn't get that, get out now.

I think I'll just post about daily happenings (aka the weird crap that happens on a daily basis), horse stuff, and whatever else floats my boat.

I'll be updating this every few days or as per my fancy because it's mine and I can do as I please with it!

Currently listening to: I Don't Care- Fall Out Boy. (Haters gonna hate, I love this band)